Sponsors Info Page
Hello and welcome to the sponsorship page of YXE Biz Connect. With your amazing sponsorship you will be given a space on our website exactly like this where your logo is featured on top with a bio or any kind of write up you wish to have on your page!
This bio can be 3-5 paragraphs or as long as you wish! This spot is yours to do what you want! (within reason of coarse) It's a good spot to showcase your business with a professional write up about your products, services and experience in the industry you are in.
Another amazing feature is that the URL on this page will actually be your business name. We can also help with SEO and back linking to your website by including a link or two pointing to your website. We will also include social media links which can help increase the number of followers.
If you are hosting events, sharing sales etc it puts more eyes on your website. This allows other members of the YXE Biz Connect Community to engage with your business online and turn into more visitors both online and in-store!
Below your write up and your social media feed, you have the option to upload a bio about yourself with your head shot so that people can easily identify you at the events. This gives a face to the name! Looking forward to helping you and watching your business evolve.